Version 1.2.2 - Update from 2024-03-14



  • Huge speed improvements were implemented in various parts when doing checks for various permissions, authorization actions etc. This should make the HMI now a lot faster!

  • Announcements were added! A new icon on top right corner of the HMI shows the number of new, unread announcements. This page collects announcements, updates and information about apron:pilot and the application and make them available easily to all users

  • Fixed: Some e-mails that were sent by the system sometimes created RFC5322 issues for some e-mail providers due to potential special characters in the "FROM" field

Administration - Aircraft

  • Fixed: When setting a maintenance planned/expected end date and inform the potential reservation owners, info mails to reservation owners of other aircraft were created

  • Fixed: Date formats with month first (e.g. m/d/Y) would create an error message, if saved for the maintenance planned/expected end date


Version 1.2.1 - Update from 2024-02-15



  • AnonyMode was introduced!
  • All pages now show a red warning message if the user has at least one overdue invoice
  • Fixed: default language from account setting was not used in certain situation for e-mail notifications
  • Fixed: Dropdown menus were not working on Firefox for Android on some Android mobile & tablet devices in certain cases


  • ONLY PREMIUM: If Anonymous mode is activated, personal data is restricted for normal users. Furthermore, limited or no user information is displayed in the dashboard, calendar or logbook. Only administrators & power users have full access. This mode is primarily intended for charter companies who do not want their customers to be visible to everyone.

Online Help

  • User help: The FAQ & Contact page has been adapted, new FAQ were added for AnonyMode


  • Fixed: Reservations for the "My upcoming reservations" would show all reservations even if in the past
  • Fixed: When a reservation is marked as "GROUNDED" the link to prefill a "create-logbook-entry" mask and foward it to the logbook does not appear in the "My Upcoming Reservations"-table as it is assumed that no logbook entry is required
  • Fixed: The link in the "My upcoming reservations"-table to prefill the "create-logbook-entry" mask was sometimes not correctly displayed

My Reservations

  • Fixed: When a reservation is marked as "GROUNDED" the link to prefill a "create-logbook-entry" mask and foward it to the logbook does not appear in the "My Future Reservations"-table as it is assumed that no logbook entry is required
  • Fixed: The link in the "All upcoming reservations"-table to prefill the "create-logbook-entry" mask was sometimes not correctly displayed

Digital Logbook

  • New filters for departure, destination and by pilots has been added additionally to the date and text search. The filters are also now hidden by default and can be opened via a separate button

My Profile

  • Users can now select the default display of files either as icons (default, as before) or as a more compressed list
  • The option "Allow others to see my contact details?" has been refactored. It is now stored centrally and used for all groups that the user is assigned to. The functionality was also improved and adapted to meet the AnonyMode feature. The FAQ & Contact section has been adapted and gives further explanation for users
  • ONLY PREMIUM: Pilots can choose whether they want to receive a reminder email before their next reservation, e.g. 24 hours before the next reservation, so that they do not forget any more reservations in the future. This is deactivated by default and must be activated manually by selecting the lead time

Invoice Module

  • ONLY BUSINESS PLAN: Attachments can be uploaded to invoices, which are also sent via mail to the recipient (max. 5 MB total). This can be useful, if you want to attach additional files to the invoices, like a photo of the logbook entries or original invoices from landing fees it's up to you!
  • "My Finances": If attachments exist for an invoice, users can also view & download them via the application
  • All pages now show a red warning message if the user has at least one overdue invoice
  • The invoice email that invoice recipients receive now includes the name of the group sending the invoice as well as the name of the user who approved the invoice. In addition, if the invoice has been resent, the initiator of the resend and the name of the group will also be displayed in the optional message to the invoice recipient
  • Fixed: Line breaks in the internal comment field of the payment run would cause loading issues in some browsers

Settings Reservations & Calendar

  • In addition to individual users, who are notified upon new reservations or updated ones, a comma-separated e-mail list can now be configured which is additionally informed

Administration Aircraft

  • It can now be enabled, that notifications are sent if new reservations are entered or existing reservatins are updated. These e-mails are sent to administrators or power users if the correseponding notification is activated in the user settings. Also an additional e-mail list can be configured via the settings to inform non-users or distribution lists

Administration Users

  • In the notifications tab a new option is available for administrators and power users to inform them if new reservations are added or existing ones updated. These notifications are only sent, if the correseponding option is activated in the particular aircraft settings

Administration User import

  • Fixed: In some cases the importer would not correctly set the value "Allow others to see my contact details?" when importing the column "hidepersonaldetails" to allow users to hide contact details
  • Fixed: The table of importable fields in the online help has been enhanced & corrected in certain cells

Administration NOTAM

  • Fixed: the NOTAM e-mail that is received by users now includes the name of the sender and the reply-address for the particular user


Version 1.2.0-HOTFIX Update from 2023-12-23


 These are the release notes for all the fixes that are / were implemented "on the fly" as a hotfix within 1.2 during the last few weeks. Final release date is 2023-12-29, they are updated frequently

Improvements added:

  • Added: Files coming with rating renewal requests from users can now be stored automatically in the users documents section, if desired (the HMI as well as the online help have been adapted)
  • Added: logo of subscription is now shown in the subscriptions details page
  • Added: Showing further information for admins when managing reservation requests (remark to reservation, type of flight, estimated flight time and custom field data)
  • Added: Automatic custom invoice items can now be configured with wildcards for destinations and without relation to number of landings
  • Added: Downloading single PDFs as a ZIP file in payment run details or invoices list page

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed: translations missing for English on the premium subscription page
  • Fixed: File Upload title is not shown when editing mode is active
  • Fixed: Uploading of avatar images requires double-tap on some phones (e.g. iPhone with Safari)
  • Fixed: Password request e-mail reformatted
  • Fixed: Error 500 occured when trying to save account data in some cases (especially if one of the fields was "too long" due to encryption)
  • Fixed: Login page sometimes would not show the custom logo that was uploaded, if no account avatar was uploaded
  • Fixed: Payment run details list shows a wrong total amount in some cases
  • Fixed: PREMIUM REDUCED price was not preselected in some cases
  • Fixed: Subscription status was not completely updated from Stripe back to apron:pilot in certain situations
  • Fixed: Change of custom invoice items in invoices would not cause a "Save before leaving" warning from the browser
  • Fixed: Ratings could not be deleted when some criteria were met
  • Fixed: User ratings were deleted for all users in the group in some cases
  • Fixed: Custom names for uploads in aircraft files disappeared when someone updated a particular user details
  • Fixed: The contact form allows 2000 characters but when using line breaks the form wouldn't count correctly
  • Fixed: Sorting of invoice items would not trigger an "invoice changed / save invoice"-warning
  • Fixed: Deleting an aircraft with stored logbook-event relations was sometimes not possible
  • Fixed: Automatic custom invoice items would only be triggered once even if multiple were configured


NEW: Version 1.2.0 Release on 2023-11-30


  • The underlying frameworks and technological components have been upgraded to the most recent versions. We have also done that in the past but this time it was a huge one. Therefore a lot of new functionality is possible, performance is better and newer functionality in the background is available, enabling us to do even more in the future for you as a user!

  • "Report a bug" has been renamed to "Contact" and is now more meant to be for general contact form, also for feature requests, ideas or general feedback and not only for error reports. The form helps us to keep track on all the reports, as it is standardized, so, please, as much as you can: please use this form instead of direct e-mail for everything related to the app, thanks!

  • The rating expiration warning message has been enhanced / fixed: Dates are always considered as "until including". Example: An internal checkflight validity date of 01.07. would mean, that the checkflight is valid until including 01.07. Flights would be possible on this date until end of the day (23:59:59). This has been harmonized throughout the application in all checks and warnings. Also, if a rating or internal checkflight expires today, a separate warning message is shown

  • Notification messages (the green, red or teal popups you see on the top right after an action) now span 100% over the screen on tablet and smartphone screens

  • Popup windows have been redesigned and optimized for tables and smartphone views

  • Improved security around the verification and password reset functionality under the hood

  • General HMI and layout improvements have been done throughout the whole application to make it look cleaner and more consistent (e.g. removed rounded corners for tags and buttons, adapted shadows of windows, ...)

  • Added Dark Mode (default can be changed in profile)

  • Fixed: in some cases e-mail addresses where put in full readability in logfiles, they are now obfuscated

  • Fixed an issue, which would sometimes cause the "this is an automated e-mail ..." text of automated e-mails to be translated wrongly in certain situations

Introducing PREMIUM

  • PREMIUM subscription introduced! The free version has now restricted functionality and restricted conditions for the usage. In order to get more out of apron:pilot the PREMIUM subscription is required. In the application PREMIUM can be subscribed via the account page. All administrators will also find a flag "GO PREMIUM" with additional information throughout the application where a PREMIUM restriction applies. Find more information on the website.

  • PAYPAL was added as a payment method. You can also pay for the premium module either via credit card, SEPA direct transactions or Paypal


  • Locked aircraft don't appear anymore in the list of aircraft and their status

  • When a reservation is active, a little two-dot blinking marker is shown next to the date. The marker appears 30 minutes before the planned reservation start and disappears after reservation end

  • ONLY PREMIUM: When an aircraft is in MAINTENANCE and a planned end date for the maintenance work is entered by the administrator, it is shown in the aircraft status table

  • For user avatars if no profile picture is provided the initials are now shown (first letter of lastname and first letter of firstname, e.g. John Doe would be "DJ")

  • Pagination has been added to the "Reservations for today" table

  • Users now only see reservations of aircraft, that they are assigned to in the "Reservations for today" table

  • The table for last received invoices now shows the due date and highlights it in red, if the invoice is due

  • Various HMI and layout improvements, also in mobile and tablet view

Reservation Calendar

  • Users can now update the aircraft of a reservation. If the time slot conflicts with an existing one for the new selected aircraft, a conflict message appears and prevents double booking / overlapping

  • Locked aircraft don't appear anymore in the list for all users. No action is possible and no viewing of data is possible as long as the aircraft is in status "locked"

  • The rating expiration warning and booking prevention has been enhanced / fixed: The rating validity date is now considered as "until including", thus making reservations on the same day of the expiration possible. Example: A rating for an aircraft is valid until 01.10., then reservations on this day are possible until the end of the day.

  • ONLY PREMIUM: When an aircraft is in MAINTENANCE and a planned end date for the maintenance work is entered by the administrator, it is shown in the reservation creation and edit mask

  • The popup for creating or editing a reservation is now bigger on bigger screen resolutions such as laptops or desktops

  • Users now only see reservations of aircraft, that they are assigned to

  • Fixed an issue in Safari browsers, that would wrongly show the "my reservation" indication multiple times in list or year view

My reservations

  • When a reservation is active, a little two-dot blinking marker is shown next to the date. The marker appears 30 minutes before the planned reservation start and disappears after reservation end

Digital Logbook

  • Logbook entries can now be edited by administrators, even if an invoice exists. In this case a mandatory reason for the change has to be entered. The history of these comments is shown in the logbook details page

  • Information about which entries are shown, e.g. Showing 1 to 10 entries (Total: 40), was added to the logbook

  • Locked aircraft don't appear anymore in the list for all users. No action is possible and no viewing of data is possible as long as the aircraft is in status "locked"

  • ONLY ADVANCED OR BUSINESS INVOICING MODULE: A new fieldset in add and edit masks for logbook entries has been introduced where a third party or "other payer" can be entered. This makes it now possible to have a flight for pilot A and pilot B but a third party e.g. the external flightschool or another charter customer can be used for the invoicing process. If an other payer is entered in a flight, the system will automatically create the invoices for this third party instead.

  • For English the word "payee" has been renamed to "payer" in all views & online documentation (screenshots in online documentation have NOT been updated yet!)

  • Fixed: When a logbook entry has an invoice attached to it, it was possible to delete the logbook entry in some cases

My Profile

  • Locked aircraft don't appear anymore in the list of assigned aircraft

  • ONLY PREMIUM: New tab "Ratings" allows users to see the ratings and if activated by administrators also allow users to send an update request for ratings, enter a new date and submit a verification file to administrators. After approval the new date is automatically entered. Pilots are informed via mail about the outcome of their rating renewal requests.

  • For user avatar if no profile picture is provided the initials are now shown (first letter of lastname and first letter of firstname, e.g. John Doe would be "DJ") in the profile page

  • In the settings tab the default apperance of the application can be changed (system, light or dark mode)

Information Aircraft

  • Layout completely redone to show aircraft info now in responsive cards rather than a boring table

  • Locked aircraft don't appear anymore in the list for all users. No action is possible and no viewing of data is possible as long as the aircraft is in status "locked"

  • ONLY PREMIUM: If configured, corresponding additional fields with information are displayed in the respective information blocks (e.g. maintenance or fuel)

  • ONLY PREMIUM: The next planned maintenance is shown if the administrators entered it

  • ONLY PREMIUM: When an aircraft is in MAINTENANCE and a planned end date for the maintenance work is entered by the administrator, it is shown in the maintenance information table on the details page as well as in the overview page

  • ONLY PREMIUM: If a planned maintenance end date is entered by the administrator and the status changes to MAINTENANCE, all users having reservatins in the given timeframe (between today and planned end date) might get notified by mail about the status change to MAINTENANCE with an additional message by the administrator

Information Members

  • Locked aircraft don't appear anymore in the list of assigned aircraft for the user

  • For user avatars if no profile picture is provided the initials are now shown (first letter of lastname and first letter of firstname, e.g. John Doe would be "DJ")

Information NOTAM

  • ONLY PREMIUM: Users can now receive NOTAM also as e-mails if the administrator or power user send them. The e-mail will show the text as well as the attachments (if attached to the e-mail)

Invoice Module

  • When entering the amount for custom invoice items, especially when copy & pasting them, the field now accepts also values with currency symbols or amount placeholders and removes them. Examples for accepted values: $ 123, 247 $, 123,45 €, € 12345, € 123,45.-

  • When editing an invoice a message appears on top, that the invoice has unsaved changes. If you then try to navigate to another page, click the back button, reload the page or navigate away via the browser, your browser will ask you for confirmation. Remark: This relies on the browser funtionality and might not work on all devices (especially smartphones or tablets or non-supported browsers)

  • The language for the invoice can now be changed in status CREATED. When an invoice is created the language is determined based on the settings (either according to user selection / default language from the group or for ADVANCED & BUSINESS PLAN subscribers the language is always set according to settings, e.g. always German or English)

  • New placeholders were added (including their short syntax): Currency Code & Symbol, Invoice Date, Invoice delivery date, Approved by, placeholder for small text parts, customer number

  • ONLY ADVANCED OR BUSINESS PLAN: New placeholders were added (including their short syntax): Text left, text right, text translation (if invoice is German show text in German, if English in English)

  • ONLY BUSINESS PLAN: Fuel refunds are now handled differently in tax invoices. When adding a flight with fuel refunds (externally paid fuel) a credit note is created for the payer. This credit note can then be considered in any invoice, typically in the invoice with the corresponding flight.

  • ONLY BUSINESS PLAN: The consecutive number of the invoices can now be changed to (NNNN) (four digitas) or (NNN) (three digits) via the invoice number format field in the settings. With this change, invoice numbers with shorter numbers are possible. Examples: 2022_0001, 2022-07-23_044, Invoice#021

  • ONLY BUSINESS PLAN: Bank data fields have been introduced which allows the administrator to include them via placeholders (#BANK_NAME#, #BANK_BENEFICIARY#, #BANK_IBAN#, #BANK_BIC#) in PDF invoices (e.g. in footer columns) as well as the creation of QR code for SEPA transactions.

    • The QR code can either be used in invoices via the placeholders #QR# (with label, default) & #QR_WL# (without label) or the option to attach them automatically to the invoice end page can be enabled. Users can use their mobile banking apps and scan the QR code, which prefills the transaction fields (only applies to EU SEPA transactions & where the mobile banking app allows scanning of QR codes! no support is provided for banking apps & QR code scanning!)

    • All placeholders also come with short form syntax options: #BNAME# or #BANK_NAME#, #BANK_BENEFICIARY# or #BENEFIC#, #BANK_IBAN# or #IBAN#, #BANK_BIC# or #BIC#

  • ONLY ADVANCED OR BUSINESS PLAN: Automatic landing fees can be configured in the settings. If the invoice contains flights with the destination for a particular configured aircraft, an editable custom invoice item with a configured price (resp. configured price set) is automatically added to the invoice

  • ONLY ADVANCED OR BUSINESS PLAN: It is possible to exclude credits for individual invoice, e.g. to omit credits for one invoice for later clearing or other invoices. The feature can also be used to create outgoing invoices for credits (especially relevant for accounting: the customer must receive an invoice for a deposit of a credit).

  • ONLY ADVANCED OR BUSINESS PLAN: A new fieldset in add and edit masks for logbook entries has been introduced where a third party or "other payer" can be entered. This makes it now possible to have a flight for pilot A and pilot B but a third party e.g. the external flightschool or another charter customer can be used for the invoicing process. If an other payer is entered in a flight, the system will automatically create the invoices for this third party instead.

  • ONLY ADVANCED OR BUSINESS PLAN: New placeholders for the invoices have been introduced: #PAGE_BREAK# / #PBR# which adds a page break in the introduction, external comment and final text section (the text after the cost table) of the invoice

  • ONLY BUSINESS PLAN: New fields for invoice title and invoice data area were implemented. This enables the administrator to also configure the title (e.g. change "Invoice" title to "Statement") or change the fields that are visible in the invoice data area (e.g. remove invoice due date or invoice number)

  • When resending an invoice an optional message can now be entered, which is shown in the e-mail to the recipients. Additionally, the e-mail, that recipients receive if an invoice is resent, now shows "Reminder" in subject and body of the e-mail

  • The resend information has been revised and moved to the bottom of the invoice details page. In addition, for invoices that are resent AFTER the update to 1.2, not only the date but also the initiator of the resend and the optional message that was sent with the reminder are saved.

  • "My Finances": The table for received invoices now shows the due date and highlights it in red, if the invoice is due

  • "My Finances": A new table was added for users showing the flights that are yet to be paid. All flights that have not been invoiced are listed, can be filtered. The table also includes and estimated flight cost column, so that users are aware about the highlevel costs for the flights

  • The "exclude from invoicing" checkbox has moved to the newly created fieldset in add and edit masks for logbook entries

  • In the invoices list a total row has been added, showing the total amount of all filtered invoices. For example you can now easily search for invoices from a specific year and easily get the sum of all those invoices

  • In the invoices list a new column "due date" is now shown, it can also be used for filtering (new filter criteria added) and via the checkbox "only due" it can be reduced to show only due invoices. If the due date is lapsed the due date and the whole row is highlighted in red

  • In the paymentrun details page a new column "due date" is now shown. If the due date is lapsed the due date and the whole row is highlighted in red

  • New short forms of placeholders have been implemented to account for the limited characters available, e.g. #DUE#, #B#, #SF#, #GADD# and more check out the online documentation for a full list

  • In the German menu the link for credits has been renamed to "Guthaben", for English the word "payee" has been renamed to "payer" in all views & online documentation (screenshots in online documentation have NOT been updated yet!)

  • For invoices created for non-user recipients the default language, as well as the default date, time and number format is taken from the account default settings

  • PAYPAL was added as a payment method. You can now pay for the invoicing module either via credit card, SEPA direct transactions or Paypal

  • The info window with all placeholders has been restructured, it now shows the placeholders grouped by functional affiliation

  • Fixed: When an invoice was sent to a user, whos address changed after sending the invoice, the electronic invoice would show the new address and not the one that was used for sending it

  • Fixed: Wrong count of invoice items was displayed in the invoices list in case a credit was assigned to a tax invoice

  • Fixed: Low performance in the invoices list table when having lots of invoices. The invoices list has been refactored in the background and now performs better even with high number of invoices stored for the group


  • Added "charter business" as an available type for the selection of the type of account

  • Companies can now add their VAT ID number which is also synced to our payment provider in case of PREMIUM or invoicing module subscriptions. The VAT ID is used for the invoices sent to you by our payment provider.

  • A new tab "communications" has been introduced now showing the newsletter subscription, as well as default settings for date, time and number format, as well as default language. This information is used at various places in the application, e.g. creating an invoice to a person outside of apron:pilot: here the default language, date and time format, and default number format would be used or creation of a new user: for new users these settings would be preset. For existing accounts before the update, the default language is determined based on the country: Austria and Germany are preselected with German, all other countries are migrated with English as the default language

  • The default language is also used to select the language for the subscribed newsletter

  • The tab for managing the invoice subscription has been optimized and improved

  • A new tab for managing the PREMIUM subscription has been implemented. There administrators can subscribe to PREMIUM and also manage the PREMIUM subscription (e.g. change payment option, cancel etc.)

  • A new tab "Account Statistics" has been implemented that shows the number of users, aircraft and webspace used

  • The shortname was limited to 8 characters, now for the custom login page & url function, the field was expanded to allow a maximum of 15 characters (only alpha-numeric and dash (-) and underline (_))

Settings General

  • ONLY PREMIUM: It is possible to use a custom login page & url for the group. By putting /login-{shortname_of_group} after the URL the user is directed to a more individual login page which displays the logo and the name of the corresponding club. This is useful and a nice feature if you link to apron:pilot via your website and you wanna give a little personal touch

  • ONLY PREMIUM: For the custom login page it is possible to upload a dedicated separate logo instead of the one shown in the application in the navigation bar (= group avatar). This allows to use a more rectangular shaped logo for the login page but keep using the square one for the navigation bar. The custom logo is then shown in the custom login page instead

Settings Ratings

  • ONLY PREMIUM: Administrators can activate the automatic renewal process for the internal checkflight date. If active, the admins can configure the criteria for the automatic renewal for each aircraft under aircraft details > ratings: the default behavior to manually set a date is still valid, the new option "time based" allows to configure a value for the period (days) under review (e.g. 90 days), the required flight time (hours) in that given period (e.g. 5) and the extension period (days) if the required flight time is met (e.g. 30 days). Over night a job runs automatically and calculates for each aircraft and each user if the requirements are met and updates the internal checkflight to the new date. A mail is sent to the pilot that was updated, as well as a summary (incl. PDF) to administrators or power users

    • IMPORTANT: To receive these notifications the notification has to be enabled for the corresponding administrators or power users under user details > notifications! Everything is described in the online help in chapter "Rating Renewals"
  • ONLY PREMIUM: Administrators can activate the rating renewal request for pilots. If enabled, users can request the renewal of a rating via their profile page, specifying the new date and uploading proof (e.g. a photo or scan of an updated license). Administrators/Power Users, as well as a configurable e-mail notification list, are informed and can manage the requests via a dedicated page in the administration menu

Settings User groups

  • ONLY PREMIUM: User groups can now be created that are used for various functions throughout the application. User groups can have a fix or dynamic assignment of users. Dynamic lets the administrator configure certain rules (e.g. aircraft, user role, labels etc.) which will assign users automatically based on the configured criteria. User groups can be used as NOTAM recipient groups and showing/hiding NOTAM messages to only certain user groups (e.g. NOTAM relevant for aircraft only shown to these users). It is also possible to add manual addresses, without a linked user, to a user group which allows further flexibility. This is however only relevant & used for user groups that are used for e-mail sending (e.g. NOTAM e-mail recipient groups)

Settings Custom fields

  • ONLY PREMIUM: New custom field types have been introduced: DATE allows to require a date for the field. SINGLE-CHOICE allows to configure single-choice selects, e.g. Yes or No. MULTIPLE-CHOICE allows to configure multi-choice selects, e.g. Option 1, Option 2 etc. Also the settings dialogue for configuring the custom fields has been redone

  • ONLY PREMIUM: Custom fields can now also be set to be relevant for aircraft. They can be configured as general aircraft related information, fuel specific or maintenance specific information. Depending on this setting the fields appear in different sections in the aircraft info page

  • ONLY PREMIUM: Custom fields if calendar only or calendar & logbook can now be configured to be shown in dashboard upcoming and todays reservations, as well as the my reservations page

Settings Invoicing

  • ONLY BUSINESS PLAN: New fields for bank information have been introduced: bank name, beneficiary name, IBAN & BIC codes. Also an option to gobally enable the QR code attachment to PDF invoices can be activated

  • ONLY BUSINESS PLAN: New fields for invoice title and invoice data area were implemented. This enables the administrator to also configure the title (e.g. change "Invoice" title to "Statement") or change the fields that are visible in the invoice data area (e.g. remove invoice due date or invoice number)

  • ONLY ADVANCED OR BUSINESS PLAN: Automatic landing fees can be configured in the settings via the custom invoice items field. For this the prefix "#AUTO#", as well as the applicable registrations and destinations need to be configured. Example: #AUTO#Landing Fee Home Airports;Landegebühr Heimatflugplätze;15,00;1;OE-ABC,OE-XYZ;LOWG,LOWK,LOGG,LOGW

  • ONLY ADVANCED OR BUSINESS PLAN: A configuration is available whether an invoice should be created in the user or default group language (default behavior, as of now and also for BASIC plan) or if the invoice should always be created in German or English

  • The info window with all placeholders has been restructured, it now shows the placeholders grouped by functional affiliation

Administration Aircraft

  • ONLY PREMIUM: Custom fields can now be configured also for aircraft allowing various further information to be stored. They are configured under settings and then appear unter "Additional Data", "Maintenance" or "Logbook" in the fuel section

  • ONLY PREMIUM: The planned next maintenance date (start & end) can be entered in the maintenance tab. This will show a shaded area in the calendar and inform users via the information page

  • ONLY PREMIUM: When switching the status to MAINTENANCE a planned end date can be entered which will be shown to the users. Also a notification to users having reservatins in the given timeframe (between today and planned end date) can be notified by mail about the status change to MAINTENANCE with an additional message

  • ONLY PREMIUM: It can now be configured, if aircraft relevant information on dashboard and information page shall be visible or hidden for unassigned pilots

  • The maximum amount of characters for the status message has been increased to 200, allowing now longer status messages

  • In the headline the registration is now shown when opening the details instead of general "Administration Aircraft"

  • When using the "unassign all pilots from aircraft" function a popup for confirmation is now shown and informs that also any stored & related additional data such as internal checkflight data, pilot specific prices for aircraft (if used) are also removed. This confirmation popup is also shown in the aircraft detail page when using the "unassign all pilots from this aircraft" function

  • The list of assigned users is now sorted alphabetically by lastname, shows a maximum of 25 names and provides then a "show more" link. Also the names are links now, which link to the user details and the aircraft & ratings tab for the particular user

  • Fixed the status message not being saved when entering a new aircraft

Administration Users

  • ONLY PREMIUM: If automatic renewal of internal checkflights are active, the notification of this for users can be activated. If activated the user will receive a summary mail with all updates performed also as pdf

  • ONLY PREMIUM: If users are allowed to submit rating update requests, the notification of new requests for users can be activated. If activated the user will receive a mail notification about the newly entered request with a link to manage all the requests

  • When using the "unassign all pilots from aircraft" function a popup for confirmation is now shown and informs that also any stored & related additional data such as internal checkflight data, pilot specific prices for aircraft (if used) are also removed

  • For user avatars if no profile picture is provide dthe initials are now shown (first letter of lastname and first letter of firstname, e.g. John Doe would be "DJ") in the user list and user details page

  • In the "create a new user"-form the value for the communication & application language is now preselected based on the default account settings. The values for date, time and number format are now set according to the default account settings, after the user is created.

  • The filter "All ok" in the rating overview was simplified, so that it can only be selected exclusively like "Show all". Selecting "All ok" will disable the other filters

  • Fixed a wrong behavior when a user is assigned to multiple tenants and the hiding of details is activated/deactivated. That lead to overwriting of user details, which was now fixed

  • Fixed a problem when deleting an aircraft and reservations would still exist

  • Fixed the rating overview page where in certain cases the date field was not displayed for aircraft specific ratings

Administration User import

  • When users are newly created the values for the communication & application language, date-, timeand number-format are now set according to the default account settings

  • Fixed an issue with the user importer when the internal_checkflight_date was improperly set in the import file

Administration NOTAM

  • ONLY PREMIUM: New icons and colors added for NOTAM

  • ONLY PREMIUM: NOTAM can now also be distributes as e-mails. Therefore a new option was introduced that allows either to only show the NOTAM in the app, send it also as an e-mail or even send it as an e-mail (in this case the NOTAM is only visible for the administrators and power users). It can also be decided if the files of a NOTAM will be attached to the mail or not (limit is 5 files and a maximum of total 5 MB per e-mail with files to avoid high traffic). NOTAM marked for sending are read-only until the sending is done, however the sending process can be aborted. Sending NOTAM as e-mails occurs every 5 minutes, so a slight delay is to be expected





Version 1.1.5-3 Release on 2023-02-10


Invoice Module

  • Fixed an issue with older invoices (generated before October 2022) returning a page error due to missing data in database
  • Fixed issues with calculations and invoice credits, that produced a split line


Version 1.1.5-2 Release on 2022-12-13



  • Fixed: Reservations for grounding an aircraft do not require input on custom fields anymore

Invoice Module

  • ONLY BUSINESS PLAN: The invoice number is now based on the planned payment run date, which is important when using date placeholders (e.g. YYYY, YY, MM, M, DD, D). Example: Invoice number format is YY-MM-NNNNNN, plan date of payment run is 31.12.2022, creation of invoice on 15.01.2023, invoice number would be 22-12-000001. If the planned date is today, the behavior is the same as it was before this change.
  • For invoice credits created out of invoices a "Details" link is now shown in the invoice credits list, linking to the corresponding invoice where the credit was generated from
  • The invoice number mechanism has been enhanced and some edge cases have been fixed. The consecutive number is now better controlled and counts up from 1 for invoices in the next year (if they are created in advance). This was necessary especially for the case of invoicing flights in January that occured in the last days of December to meet financial related rules for invoice numbers and dates

Administration Aircraft

  • Fixed an issue with the additional counter, where the initial start value would be overwritten when saving in certain conditions


Version 1.1.5-1 Release on 2022-10-29



  • Improvements for the weather API widget on the dashboard have been implementend, mostly around the error handling and display of problems
  • Fixed: Pinned NOTAM would not show an icon if the NOTAM was saved with no icon and afterwards pinned

Digital Logbook

  • The system now remembers which page and which "items per page"-setting the user selected until a logout occurs. Example: If the user has visited page 2 of 5 of the logbook for aircraft N12345 and selects 7 items per page and he returns back to the list from the details view, he will arrive back on page 2 with the items per page setting of 7

Invoice Module

  • Fixed several issues with the new invoice credit mechanism, especially when credits would be split or distributed over several flights. Retesting and refactoring happend in the background to allow better performance and correct calculations.
  • New placeholders for the invoices have been introduced: #IF_ZERO# ... TEXT ... #IF_ZERO_END# and #LINE_BREAK#
  • External comment length has been increased to 800 characters now, allowing a bit more text to be added (especially useful with placeholders in use). Also the field becomes bigger when long text is entered.
  • For Payment Runs an internal note can now be entered and saved. This is useful for any internal notification to other colleagues or as future reminders.
  • The system now remembers which "items per page"-setting the user selected for invoice list, invoice credit list and payment run list until a logout occurs.
  • The electronic and PDF invoice now show "Quantity" (German: "Menge") instead of "Units" (German: Einheiten) and, if a time-based counter is used, e.g. flight time or additional counter via time, the unit indicator "min." (= Minutes, German: "Minuten") is shown, to be more in line with other real world invoices. Also the column "Price / unit" was renamed to "Rate" (German: "Satz"). Let us know if that works for you better, as it seems that each group handles it a bit differently.
  • Fixed: For custom invoice items a bug was fixed that sometimes created a "Not a number" (= "NaN") value in the price field, when changing the quantity. Also the wrong behaviour of formatting the price was optimized and fixed (correct format and rounding of decimals)
  • Fixed: For the additional counter the units were sometimes only saved with no decimals. This has been fixed now, the decimal values are correctly stored and shown in the invoice

Information NOTAM

  • Fixed: Pinned NOTAM would not show an icon if the NOTAM was saved with no icon and afterwards pinned

My reservations

  • Fixed: When opening the iCal overlay the copy-buttons were not working, which is fixed now

Settings Invoicing

  • A new placeholder has been introduced to allow a text, if the invoice amount is zero: #IF_ZERO# ... TEXT ... #IF_ZERO_END#. The placeholder and an example text has been configured for the default value as well, which can be viewed and changed in the SETTINGS > INVOICE section.
  • Another new placeholder has been introduced to allow a mandatory line-break, where not always possible to enter (e.g. in footer columns): #LINE_BREAK#
  • The refund for the new fuel type AVGAS UL 91 can now be configured, as always under Settings > Refunds

Administration Aircraft

  • Added fuel type AVGAS UL 91 to the master data so that you can also configure it for aircraft. Don't forget to configure it in the aircraft-details / logbook section
  • Fixed: A internal error occured when the initial logbook value and the next maintenance value were the same for a new aircraft

Administration NOTAM

  • Fixed: Pinned NOTAM would not show an icon if the NOTAM was saved with no icon and afterwards pinned

Administration Users

  • Fixed: When entering the aircraft price for a user which is the same amount as the configured amount the system would wrongly enter 0.


Version 1.1.5 Release on 2022-08-29


  • The logout button has been renamed in the English version to "Sign out" to align with the German wording

  • Error pages where not translated correctly to German in all cases, this is fixed now


  • Users are now informed if new NOTAM were entered or existing NOTAM were updated/changed. The user can close the message and mark them as read or navigate to the NOTAM list page, in order to mark them all as read. Also the entries are highlighted in the NOTAM list on the bottom of the page.

  • Aircraft status section has been updated: aircraft avatar is now shown as well as layouting improvements have been made, also for lower screen resolutions. If defect management is activated, a button showing the current open defects per aircraft is shown, a click on this button redirects to the corresponding aircraft details & opens the defect information.

  • In the section "All reservations for today" the date is now removed, when the reservation is on the same day. On lower screen resolutions the aircraft icon and pilot avatar are hidden to have more space for the rest and the layout is slightly adapted to improve readability on smaller devices.

  • New icons & color combinations are shown next to the NOTAM entries

  • Fixed: The link to the logbook for today's reservation was sometimes appearing too early / too late. This has been fixed now. The link is shown 30 minutes before the reservation starts and is only shown, if there is no logbook entry to the reservation linked.


  • Now indicator (red line in calendar week view) has been thickend to a bit more pixels to be better visible

  • Reservations or events where the aircraft is grounded are shaded now with a red striped pattern to stand out even more

  • Reservations, that belong to the currently logged in user are now not colored green anymore but are shown with a yellow border and a yellow triangle in the upper right corner. If the color of the calendar is set to a yellowish color, the indicator color will be white to stand out better. This is a trial phase for this now, let us know your feedback on the new styling. It was requested by several users, as the aircraft color should be the prominent color and also the new method is allowing green aircraft calendar color to be better usable

  • Create & edit mask: The up and down arrow buttons for the hour and minute field were switched the down arrow button is now left and the up arrow no on the right of the input box. This is more logical and intuitive than it was before

  • Time constraint added for the iCal subscription: Reservations are now restricted by time to decrease data load on server and client end reservations are only fetched if the start date & time is between two weeks ago and 12 weeks in the future (in more technical terms: today 2 weeks < reservation start < today + 12 weeks)

  • The "additional info" section is opened automatically now, if there is a mandatory custom field required. Should save some clicks...

  • Fixed: iCal subscription sometimes didn't show the remark of the reservation, this has been fixed now. Also the estimated flight time is now exported.

  • Fixed: Issue with iCal subscription for user specific reservations was fixed, which would have included reservations from other groups as well in some cases.

Digital Logbook

  • Create & edit mask: The up and down arrow buttons for the hour and minute field were switched the down arrow button is now left and the up arrow no on the right of the input box. This is more logical and intuitive than it was before

  • You can now select 7 items per page in the logbook, to represent the page style of some real world paper logbooks

Invoicing Module

  • Invoice credits can now be made aircraft specific or only for custom cost items. This allows more flexibility. Also the possibility to have several invoice credits for aircraft with different prices is now possible. This is now linked to a validity date (that is the creation date for older, previously entered credits). The whole mechansim has been refactored in the background to allow this more complex credit combinations.

  • Each PDF and electronic invoice now shows the remaining credit in the bottom of the cost table, which allows the recipients to stay up-to-date with their credits also via the invoices

  • New placeholders for the invoices have been introduced including "UNDERLINE", "ITALIC"

  • The invoice PDF layout has been optimized also regarding the new functionality (e.g. the page counter is now shown below footer in smaller font, remaining credit table, new placeholders etc.)

  • When sending an e-mail to invoice recipients, the FROM and REPLY-TO is now set as the group name & e-mail address instead of the general apron:pilot information. This allows users to directly respond to the sender (which is the group)

  • PDF invoices were created with a timestamp in the filename (e.g. _152134566) in order to prevent same invoice file names for multiple groups. This is now prevented differently so that the filename is clearer and not includes the timestamp anymore. This works only for invoices created AFTER the update to 1.1.5!

  • ONLY BUSINESS PLAN: The invoice PDF contains a text on the bottom of each page, that the PDF was generated automatically by apron:pilot. This information is now reduced to "Invoice automatically created on ..." the hint about apron:pilot is removed. For ADVANCED or BASIC subscriptions the text continues to include the hint about apron:pilot.

  • ONLY ADVANCED OR BUSINESS PLAN: Custom colors COLOR1, COLOR2 and COLOR3 were also introduced as placeholders. The color placeholders allow to color text in predefined colors. If subscribed to BUSINESS the colors can also be customized, otherwise the default green, red and cyan will be used.

  • ONLY ADVANCED OR BUSINESS PLAN: The custom invoice items now allow also to enter a quantity, e.g. for landing fees. The price is automatically recalculated if the quantity is changed.

Information Aircraft

  • The aircraft list now shows the number of open defects (if module is activated in the settings). A click on the number leads directly to the defects page of the selected aircraft.

  • On devices with smaller screen resolutions (tablets or smartphones) the table of aircraft will now be shown in a different layout, which does not require horizontal scrolling.

Information NOTAM

  • If new NOTAM were entered or existing ones were updated, a message and highlighting of the entries appears. When navigating to this page, all changes are marked as read for the user.

  • New icons & color combinations are shown next to the NOTAM entries

Administration Aircraft

  • The aircraft list now shows the number of open defects (if module is activated in the settings). A click on the number leads directly to the defects page of the selected aircraft.

  • On devices with smaller screen resolutions (tablets or smartphones) the table of aircraft will now be shown in a different layout, which does not require horizontal scrolling.

Settings Invoicing

  • ONLY BUSINESS PLAN: It is now possible to adapt the corporate design colors and items for the generated PDF invoice via the settings menu. There is also a possibility to preview the settings before saving in a mockup invoice.

  • ONLY BUSINESS PLAN: Administrators can now also customize the first and second column in the footer, which is defaulted for BASIC and ADVANCED subscribers to address and contact information.

  • ONLY ADVANCED OR BUSINESS PLAN: You can now also add the quantity for the custom invoice items. If nothing is provided, a default quantity of 1 is assumed and added.

Administration NOTAM

  • If new NOTAM are created or existing NOTAM are updated a notification will be triggered in the background for all users. When they log in for the next time, they will receive a message notifying them about the new entries or the update. They can then mark this as read.

  • In the NOTAM details view information about the creation date/time and user, as well as the update date/time and user will be shown. For all NOTAM created/updated after the update to version 1.1.5 the count of users that have seen the created entry or updated entry are also shown and counted.

  • More icons & colors were added to give more variety: Administrators can now choose from a palette of over 20 icons and select a color out 8 predefined colors for NOTAM entries.

  • When marking an entry as pinned, the color & symbol selection is now hidden.

  • Fixed: The sorting mechanism has been improved & fixed, as it showed strange behavior in some constellations. The new order: First pinned items will be shown (by created date, newest first), second all valid entries (not expired) will be shown (by created date, newest first), third, at the bottom, all expired entries will be listed in greyed out color.

Administration Users

  • Fixed: For users the last login time, the updated timestamp and the created timestamp where sometimes not set correctly and therefore displayed wrongly. This has been fixed now.

Administration Settings

  • ONLY IF SUBSCRIBED TO INVOICE MODULE: Administrators can now configure, if the currency symbol should be shown as a prefix, e.g. € 123, or as a postfix, e.g. 123 € in all electronic and PDF invoices

Version 1.1.4 Release on 2022-04-06



  • The German translation of the term "aircraft" has been changed from "Flugzeug..." to "Luftfahrzeug..." to be consistent in the translation on the one hand and above all to do justice to our gyrocopter and helicopter users/groups accordingly.

  • Minor design and layout improvements around the notifications system (the little messages that appear on the top right corner, if something goes well or an error occurs etc.) have been implemented to make it a bit more modern & fitting to the application


  • NOTAM list will now show the pinned icons on top first. Also the attached list of files has been redesigned. Each file is shown with a dedicated description or name (if given by administrators). The list can be ordered by name or date (ascending, descending).

  • If the module for linking logbook entry and reservation and also the option for active warning to users is active, each pilot whose logbook entries are still missing, will receive a warning in the Dashboard, Calendar, "My Reservations", Logbook menu and Profile. A button will direct the user to the "My Reservations" page and highlight all reservations, where a logbook entry is missing.

  • The "My upcoming reservations" table will show a quicklink to the digital logbook add mask with preselection of fields, if the reservation start time is in the past

  • Fixed: the link for "My upcoming reservations" was not always redirecting correctly to the calendar and the correct date of the reservations

Reservation Calendar

  • The type of flight can now be selected within the "Additional info" section when adding or updating a reservation. If administrators have configured additional flight types, they will also be shown and can be selected

  • If administrators have configured custom fields when adding or updating an entry, they will appear in the "Additional info" section, and might be mandatory to be filled

  • In the details view of the reservation the share button has been extended with a new link, which allows the user to directly send it to the logbook, if it is his/her own reservation, the start date is in the past and if no logbook entry exists yet for the reservation

  • If the module for linking logbook entry and reservation and also the option for active warning to users is active, each pilot whose logbook entries are still missing, will receive a warning in the Dashboard, Calendar, "My Reservations", Logbook menu and Profile.

  • Users can now switch between button-input and textfield-input for reservation creation or update, it will be preselected based on the profile settings of the user

  • The waiting list feature has been adapted, when a reservation is updated: as soon as the start time or end time changes, the system checks, if there are pilots on the waiting list. If the reservation is now on another day or has been shortened, the pilots on the waiting list will be informed via mail. If the reservation was prolonged or is in the past now, no notification is sent. When a reservation is deleted or moved out of the original slot, the waiting list will be cleared.

  • On small screen resolutions the filter section now only shows the registration on the buttons without the aircraft type. Also the buttons have been redesigned to fit smaller resolutions better

  • Fixed an issue with reservation conflicts happening for past events, with a non-UTC timezone setting in some cases

  • Fixed an issue on mobile devices and very small resolutions, where hour and minute buttons would not be readable because of overlapping buttons and text. This is been resolved now.

My reservations

  • The whole page has been technically refactored under the hood, to allow better and faster navigation and page loading, as well as scroll through pages, when having more than 10 entries per page for each table. This will most likely be unnoticed by most users, but still, a technical improvement

  • A new table has been added, showing past reservations and their status. This list can also be filtered by reservation date and aircraft. If the module for linking logbook entry and reservation is active, also reservations with missing logbook entries can be filtered. The table shows all past reservations and allows the user to see the corresponding logbook entries and add logbook entries to the reservations. If also the option for active warning to users is active, reservations with missing logbook entries will also be highlighted in red color and with red symbol.

  • The "All my upcoming reservations" table will show a quicklink to the digital logbook add mask with preselection of fields, if the reservation start time is in the past

  • If the module for linking logbook entry and reservation and also the option for active warning to users is active, each pilot whose logbook entries are still missing, will receive a warning in the Dashboard, Calendar, "My Reservations", Logbook menu and Profile.

Digital Logbook

  • If administrators have configured additional flight types, they can now be selected when adding or updating an entry in the "Additional optional info" section of the entry

  • If administrators have configured custom fields when adding or updating an entry, they will appear in the "Additional optional info" section, and might be mandatory to be filled

  • The preselection of the current date for the field "Date of flight" was removed as we received feedback that too many users miss to set the correct date. Therefore the date now has to be manually selected from the dropdown date picker or set to today's date via the button next to the date field, when creating a fresh new logbook entry. Please let us know your feedback if this is now a better solution for all users & administrators?

  • If the module for linking logbook entry and reservation is active: A new button "Manage missing entries" is shown to administrators and power users and allows them to manage all past reservations and their missing logbook entries. A dedicated view has been added, where reservations can be shown, where a logbook entry is missing. Furthermore this list can be filtered and exported. In case of missing logbook entries, administrators and power users can create new logbook entries and link them or search for the already existing links and link these. Also for each reservation it can be decided, whether a logbook entry is required or not (this could be interesting for maintenance flights)

  • If the module for linking logbook entry and reservation and also the option for active warning to users is active: Each pilot whose logbook entries are still missing, will receive a warning in the Dashboard, Calendar, "My Reservations", Logbook menu and Profile.

  • If the module for linking logbook entry and reservation is active: In the details page of a logbook entry the corresponding reservation is listed in the information screen. Administrators and power users can also select existing reservations for the given date for the given logbook entry and link existing reservations to it, if required.

  • Users can now switch between button-input and textfield-input for logbook entry creation or update, it will be preselected based on the profile settings of the user

  • Export: The export file has been enhanced and shows more columns now to enable easier further processing of the export file: The column "Pilots" is now split into two separate columns, one for PIC, one for the SECOND PILOT. A separate DATE OF FLIGHT column (preformatted as DATE YYYY-MM-DD) has been added. The time columns (TAKEOFF & LANDING) are now preformatted as TIME columns via "h:mm". The FLIGHT TIME (MINUTES) still exists and shows the value in minutes for easier processing. The columns for hobbs and the other counters are separated and show now a separate column for the START, END and DIFFERENCE value. The fuel information is also distributed into separated columns for FUEL AMOUNT, FUEL TYPE and FUEL COMMENT.

  • The additional counter, when configured to decimal number mode, now allows two decimals to be entered, e.g. 1234,45

  • Fixed button sizes and text to be hidden on smaller screen resolutions. On small screen resolutions the filter section now only shows the registration on the buttons without the aircraft type.

  • Fixed: due to a bug users were not able to edit or enter the start hobbs or total time in service value, which would cause strange situation if a previous flight was not entered. Now this is possible, a deviation via power user or admin is not required anymore.

  • Fixed an issue on mobile devices and very small resolutions, where hour and minute buttons would not be readable because of overlapping buttons and text. This is been resolved now.

Information Aircraft

  • The file list has been redesigned. Each file is shown with a dedicated description or name (if given by administrators). The list can be ordered by name or date (ascending, descending).

Information NOTAM

  • The file list has been redesigned. Each file is shown with a dedicated description or name (if given by administrators). The list can be ordered by name or date (ascending, descending).

Defect management

  • Minor layouting optimizations around the defect management views and comment section

Invoice Module

  • Fixed an issue with the resending of invoice function, which would in some cases create an error


  • Users can now define the default input for time values in the calendar and logbook. This will be used to preselect when opening the masks for creation & updating of entries

Administration Settings

  • Tab "CALENDAR" has been renamed to "RESERVATIONS" to be more consistent

  • A new tab "OPERATIONAL" has been introduced, to manage settings for both calendar & logbook relevant items

  • The tab "OPERATIONAL" now allows to configure flight types that can be selected in calendar reservations and logbook entries. The admin can decided whether a flight type is used in calendar only, logbook only or for both. Default flight types "GENERAL", "LICENSING", "MAINTENANCE" and "CHECKFLIGHT" is always available.

  • The tab "OPERATIONAL" also allows to configure custom fields that can be selected in calendar reservations and logbook entries. The admin can decided whether a custom field is used in calendar only, logbook only or for both, as well as mandatory or optional.

  • The tab "OPERATIONAL" allows to configure aircraft classes for your aircraft. The previous selected aircraft classes have been migrated and are available in the list, a default class "Other" is also always available and the fallback for deleted or deactivated aircraft classes.

  • A new tab "LOGBOOK" has been introduced, which allows to configure logbook related options and settings

  • The tab "LOGBOOK" allows to activate the option to link logbook entries and reservations automatically by the system given certain conditions. The mechanism is also described in the online help but basically does not require any manual actions (Important: After activation, a logbook entry is only required for newly created reservations! Older reservations must be marked correctly manually via "Requires logbook entry?" (see Logbooks > Manage missing entries)). Also the option to warn users, if logbook entries are missing, can be enabled

  • A new fuel type has been configured in the global configuration: SUPER. This type of fuel is mainly used for ROTAX engines and can now be configured also for refund (if invoicing module is subscribed) and used in aircraft configuration

Administration Aircraft

  • The newly introduced fuel type "SUPER" can now be selected and assigned to aircraft

  • The upload & file list has been redesigned. Drag & Drop upload of multiple files is now possible. Also each file can be given a dedicated description or name. The list can be ordered by name or date (ascending, descending).

  • The additional counter, when configured to decimal number mode, now allows two decimals to be entered, e.g. 1234,45

Administration User

  • The field for the default input for time values in the calendar and logbook has been added to the user profile settings, which can be changed by power user and administrators

  • Administrators can now attach & upload files for the users. In a separate tab in the user details a file upload and simple file management is available. The documents are stored in the user details and can be used for storing license information, club information or other files that might be related to the user.

  • The upload & file list has been redesigned. Drag & Drop upload of multiple files is now possible. Also each file can be given a dedicated description or name. The list can be ordered by name or date (ascending, descending).

  • Fixed an issue with special characters, e.g. Č or Š at the beginning of the last name of a person, which could result in errors and unusable person data records

Administration NOTAMs

  • For NOTAMs it is now possible to not select an icon and leave it empty. In this case the message will simply appear on the dashboard and the NOTAM list page without an icon

  • Administrators and Power Users can now pin entries, which are then always shown on the top of the list with a particular purple icon

  • The upload & file list has been redesigned. Drag & Drop upload of multiple files is now possible. Also each file can be given a dedicated description or name. The list can be ordered by name or date (ascending, descending).

Online help

  • The search engine for the online help was not working correctly due to some link issues. This has been corrected, however some menu adjustments have been made: Release notes, roadmap, FAQ & contact, data privacy, terms of use and the support page are now only accessible from the English or German help but not from the Admin-Help anymore.

  • German word "Flugzeug" has been replaced by "Luftfahrzeug" throughout the online help to be more consistent with the wording


Version 1.1.3-2 Release on 2022-01-17

Digital Logbook

  • Fixed an issue when multiple aircraft are available but some are locked and some are not accessible for the user. This created the issue, that when opening the logbook, it was redirecting to the first aircraft, despite having multiple assigned. This error occured only in particular cases, but was fixed now.


Version 1.1.3-1 Release on 2022-01-14

Digital Logbook

  • Fixed an issue with the total calculation of flight time, hobbs, total time in service, additional counter and number of landings that was not working after the update end of December.


Version 1.1.3 Release on 2021-12-29


  • The graphical user interface has been enhanced at several levels: buttons were rearranged, renamed and background/outline/text colors and their hierachy optimized. It now features a more modern and consistent design in several views, especially for popups and buttons in various forms. The screenshots in the online-help might partly contain still contain old images. We are going to enhance them over the next weeks.

  • Ratings are now configurable and customizable. It is possible to configure customized rating checks via the settings menu and either activate them for all pilots, only specific pilots or make them aircraft dependend. The system will carry out validitity checks for the ratings as before but now shows the customized items as well. The internal checkflight works as before. To have more overview on all the ratings, the admninistrator can also use the rating-overview function to export and see all rating information and also edit them in one view

  • The online help now allows power users to access the administration section in the online help, in order to be able to read more information about several administrative activitiers

  • Labels for users are now displayed in various form elements, e.g. payment runs creation, invoicing or logbook (administrators & power users only)

  • Various HMI optimizations e.g. better coloring of UI elements, mobile view enhancements etc.

  • Several translation corrections in the online-help documentation (German and English)


  • If a homebase is stored for the aircraft, the status window for the aircraft will show this homebase below the type

Defect management

  • New feature for defect management added. Pilots can record defects, include photos or files, add comments and send automated notifications. Defect administrators (administrators or power users) can also be defined and can take care of defects. This feature is optional and has to be activated in the settings


  • For aircraft the validity date for the next airworthiness certicate examination can be entered. It will be shown to pilots in the dashboard and information view, if it is to lapse within the next for weeks. Administrators also receive a warnining on top of the dashboard and in the administration menu for aircraft

  • If defect management feature is activated, a separate button and view is added to the information list. Pilots can access this to view defects and also add new records, comment existing ones etc.

  • A homebase for aircraft can now be set for each aircraft. This is particularly helpful, if multiple aircraft with different homebases are handled within the system.


  • The reservations now also show the comment directly on the event marker, if the aircraft is grounded

  • Administrators can configure whether or not a reason must be provided when deleting a reservation. This is disabled by default. If activated, regular users must provide a reason for deletion, which is then shown to the administrators. Furthermore, any notification text can be specified that will be displayed when confirming the deletion.

  • For administrators a separate link is shown in the calendar to display all deleted reservations, incl. the details about the reservation, deletion time and deleting user. If the option for a mandatory reason for deletion is activated, this is also shown in the list.

  • Fixed an issue with partly incorrect shown created and updated time information, showing configured timezone instead of UTC times. This is now fixed, the times are shown in UTC.

  • Fixed: the estimated flight time field was not read-only for users viewing reservation details of a reservation were they are not the owner

Digital Logbook

  • The logbook has been redesigned & refactored, mostly in the background. New additions include the totals calculation on a per page basis (e.g. on page 5 you see the some of flight time from page 1 5) and a redesigned page layout on smartphones and mobile devices on smaller resolutions (scrolling disabled, instead column tables are shown)

  • Sorting and filtering has been enhanced: filtering by pilot names, departure / destination, takeoff / landing time, number of landings; sorting possible via date, flight time, departure / destination code, hobbs time, total time in service time, additional counter time and number of landings

  • Export of logbook (administrators only) does now consider filtered results via textsearch beside the date filter

  • Users can now change their logbook entries from the past days, even if it is not the last flight of the airplane, if it is edited within 48 hours after creation. This allows pilots to correct errors before asking the administrator or power user for that, as it was up until now

Invoice Module

  • YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION: You can now subscribe yearly for the business plan, including one month of trial phase (one-time only) and have the payment done only once per year. Subscribing to the business plan on a yearly basis results in 10% off to the yearly regular monthly fee.

  • For existing customers: If you are subscribed to the BASIC or ADVANCED plan and want to switch to BUSINESS MONTHLY or YEARLY, you can now do so via the "Manage subscription" page (ACCOUNT > Invoice Module Subscription). If you want to switch from BASIC to ADVANCED or ADVANCED to BASIC or BUSINESS to BASIC or ADVANCED, you need to cancel the subscription first and newly subscribe to another package. Reason is some constraints around the payment handling for BASIC and ADVANCED plans.

  • PAYMENT METHOD SEPA: You can now choose between payment by credit card or SEPA debit (only available in European countries, see SEPA debit allows direct debit to bank accounts. Everything is still handled securely via our payment service provider Stripe! Currently the payment provider only supports SEPA debits for new subscriptions. Our existing customers are asked to contact us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a manual switch.

  • Resending of invoices is now possible via the invoice directly. This only applies if a valid e-mail address was entered for the user or in the e-mail field of the invoice. Resending of the invoice can be triggered again, even after processing to remind pilots again.

  • Enhanced several rendering issues around the column size and width in the generated PDF file

  • Fixed an issue with payment runs being approvable without invoices linked to it

  • Fixed an issue where the PDF link in the digital invoice would not be shown for PROCESSED & PAID invoices

Maintenance Forecast Information

  • Fixed an issue with multi-day reservations, where the estimated flight time was not considered in the forecast when the start date of the reservation was in the past but the end date in the future

Administration Aircraft

  • Tabs "GENERAL" and "MAINTENANCE": reorganized the fields in the views and moved the "next maintenance at"-field to the maintenance tab, along with the date for the airworthiness review certificate validity

  • In the tab ratings you can no activate or deactivate aircraft specific ratings that are required for the aircraft in order to book it. This is mostly relevant for ratings, that are required to fly the aircraft, e.g. SEP, TMG, MEP, ...

  • If defect management feature is activated, a separate tab is available for defects. Admins can access this to view defects, add new records, comment existing ones and manage the existing ones.

  • If defect management feature is activated power users and administrators can also access the defect overview page via the aircraft overview options link. This page allows to view all defects of aircrafts, edit & administrate them, as well as export information from defects.

  • A homebase for aircraft can now be saved for each aircraft

  • The additional counter initial value can now also be set

Administration Users

  • The aircraft & rating tab has been modified and allows now to see the customizable rating and if configured to be user-specific to be activated for the particular user via the details page

  • A new tab has been introduced for the configuration of notifications for a particular user. For this purpose the notification option for the reservation request has been moved here from the "aircraft & ratings" tab.

  • Rating overview & editing: Via the user overview page -> Options -> Rating overview it is possible to get an overview of all users and all ratings and their validity dates. It is possible to filter and export the data as PDF or spreadsheet data for further processing. The overview page also supports inline-editing which makes it possible to update dates directly without heading to the details page of the corresponding user and therefore makes it faster to process.

  • User import allows now to import the custom ratings as well as the internal checkflight per aircraft

  • Fixed an issue that prevented power users from using the user importer functionality

Administration NOTAMs

  • Fixed sorting of NOTAMs that gets mixed up in some cases with some date formats

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the deletion of the physical file on the storage in certain cases

Settings Ratings

  • Customizable ratings can now be configured via the settings menu. Ratings can either be activated for all pilots (e.g. Medical, Language Proficiency, ...), only specific pilots (e.g. flight instructor, instrument rating instructor, ...) or made them aircraft dependend (e.g. SEP, MEP, SEP(H), ...).

Settings Calendar

  • Administrators can configure whether or not a reason must be provided when deleting a reservation, by default this is disabled. Additionally, a notification text can be configured independently, which is displayed when confirming the deletion of a reservation.


Version 1.1.2-1 Updated on 2021-10-26



  • Fixed an issue with partly incorrect shown created and updated time information, showing configured timezone instead of UTC times. This is now fixed, the times are shown in UTC.

Invoice Module

  • Enhanced several rendering issues around the column size and width in the generated PDF file


Version 1.1.2 Updated on 2021-10-02



  • Rating checks improved and enhanced with configuration option

  • Slight restyling of the on/off switches done to look more suitable in the overall design and added description to help documentation (see chapter Graphical User Interface)

  • Several translation & renaming fixes all over the application

  • Increased the max. allowed filesize for uploads for logbook fuel & other cost receipts (now 10 megabytes), NOTAM attachments and aircraft documents (both now 30 megabytes) to allow bigger files (e.g. manuals) to be uploaded. Image uploads (e.g. profile picture, account logo etc.) remain limited with 2 megabytes


  • An additional counter can now be configured for each aircraft. This includes the name of the counter (e.g. fuel consumption, block time, tach time, ... ), single or start to end counter, decimal or time format, mandatory or optional, consecutive counter yes/no and editable start value yes/no. This counter can be activated and used for additional logging and also for invoicing (advanced & business plan only)

  • Export functionality added, that lets you export the logbook of a particular aircraft to a spreadsheet file for further processing

  • Renaming of field labels "Comments" to "Remarks"

  • Fixed a bug, that made it possible for a regular user to edit the start value for the hobbs and total time in service counter. Only power user and admins can change the start value

  • Fixed a bug, that would prevent changing the PIC of a logbook entry under certain circumstances when also selecting a second pilot

Invoice Module

  • ONLY ADVANCED OR BUSINESS PLAN: Create manual invoices without flight: it is now possible to create manual invoices without an existing flight. Within these manual invoices custom invoice items can be created, e.g. club fee, landing fee, or any other custom invoice item that is available. These manual invoices are treated like regular invoices with flights and will be calculated and sent to the recipient.

  • ONLY BUSINESS PLAN: It is now possible to configure the invoice number format via predefined placeholders, allowing more control on how the invoice number formats are generated. This can be configured live by the administrator via settings, allowing the following examples: 2021-123456-john.doe, 21-000023-07, 07#000022 read the online help for more information.

  • ONLY BUSINESS PLAN: With the new invoice number format configuration option, it is also possible to increase or decrease the consecutive number that is used in the invoice number format. Administrators can now change the number that is stored in the system. This is helpful, if the invoices generated have the same format as produced by other systems (e.g. club bookkeeping system) and you want to synchronize them.

  • ONLY ADVANCED OR BUSINESS PLAN: Invoices will now be created either with the private or a separate invoicing address, if specified for the recipient of the invoice. This can be configured in the administration settings for each user (Example: different address for trainings than for private flights).

  • "My Finances": If marking as paid for users is deactivated, the "My finances" page will not show the "mark as paid" button anymore

  • Invoices can now be hidden from users within the application. A use case could be to generate the invoices within apron:pilot but process it further in an external system. A new flag was implemented, that can be set in each invoice. If the flag is not set, the invoice will be marked as hidden and is not visible to the pilot under "My Finances", however it can always be updated at a later point

  • A gender-based salutation is possible with new placeholders #GENDER#, #SALUT_FORMAL# and #SALUT_INFORMAL#. With this it is possible to get "Mrs." or "Mr." (#GENDER#), "Dear Mr." or "Dear Mrs." for #SALUT_INFORMAL# and #SALUT_FORMAL# or "Dear" in case of "diverse". The system will guess the salutation based on the first name if "not specified" is selected and build the salutation based on that. More information can be found in the online-help and the FAQ chapter.

  • ONLY ADVANCED OR BUSINESS PLAN: The additional counter, if configured, can also be used for invoicing. For this purpose an additional option of the price is available in the aircraft details configuration

  • The flight remarks and refueling remarks are now shown in the electronic invoice details page, prefixed with an icon. Also an icon for the other cost description has been added.

  • Performance optimizations for payment run and invoices management (mostly in the background not noticable for the users, except for loading speeds)

  • Fixed a bug when updating invoices and payment runs when a specific date format was used by the user

  • Fixed a bug where mutliple clicks on adding flights would create empty invoices

  • Fixed a bug for tax invoices, not showing the gross value correctly for non-tax invoices

  • Fixed a bug where other costs form items would not be shown after a too big file was tried to be uploaded

  • Fixed a bug that would create duplicate invoice item rows if "approve" button was clicked multiple times or if connection problems occured (also backmerged to version 1.1.1, bugfix was applied on 2021-08-31)

  • Fixed issues with some date formats which would prevent a correct filtering of invoices or flights in filter actions

  • Restyling of the electronic invoice details page

  • Improved several rendering issues and options in the generated PDF file

Maintenance Forecast Information

  • A new field for the estimated flight time is added to reservations. Based on these values and the maintenance intervals, entered for each aircraft, the system can try to estimate the next maintenance date and can give support when predicting maintenance.

  • There is also a uncertainty factor related to this. Basically the system also gives the administrators or users an understanding, whether the calculated maintenance forecast has a high, medium or low uncertainty: if a lot of reservations have no estimated flight time added, the uncertainty for maintenance forecast will be high and therefore unprecise.

  • Administrators can decide whether to show this extended information to normal users or not (settings area). If this deactivated, normal users only see the next scheduled maintenance and the remaining hours available. If activated, they also receive more information via the maintenance forecast section. Administrators and power users always get the full view.

Aircraft Information

  • The aircraft information page has been redesigned and now shows the accumulated hours, remaining hours and currently planned flight time on the overview page. With colors (red or yellow) pilots also immediately recognize, whether enough flight time is available or not. In the detail section the maintenance part has also been redesigned and shows a bit more details about the maintenance and available hours.


  • Response mail to pilots about the reservation request results were restyled and now more prominently show the outcome of the request (approved or declined) and the optional message of the administrator in a highlighted box

  • An additional calendar field to add the estimated flight time for the reservation can be added. Administrators can decide to make these fields mandatory or optional. This field is used for the maintenance forecast calculation.

  • Reservation details now show information about creation and update of the reservation, together with the creating and updating user (Remark: reservations created before this update, will only show the update date and updated by information by default, as the logic for the creator user has been redesigned)

  • Fixed the telephone link for users, which was not working in certain circumstances


  • The internal checkflight validity can now be configured by aircraft, which is now also shown in the profile page next to the linked aircraft

  • The profile page now also displays rating warnings on the top of the page to accompany the rating and check information in the left column

  • Fixed layout and made the image column a bit bigger by default

Administration Aircraft

  • The additional counter can be configured in the aircraft details page

  • There is a new tab "Maintenance" added, that gives more graphical information, about the maintenance situation of the aircraft (e.g. next scheduled maintenance, planned flight time, remaining flight time until maintenance and reservations for the observation period). The system also estimated the date, when the planned flight time reaches the remaining flight time and offers a help for administrators to determine the next maintenance date.

  • Fixed layout and made the image column a bit bigger by default

Administration NOTAM

  • Adapted wording & made slight modification in the overview & details page for consistency reasons

Administration Users

  • For each user it is now possible to select, whether a separate invoicing address should be used or not. It is stored on group level, that means if a pilot is linked to Flight School A and Flight Club B, separate invoicing address can be configured for each group.

  • Added the possibility to specify the gender for the person (not specified, female, male or diverse).

  • Added a confirmation modal before a user is deleted, requiring confirmation

  • The internal checkflight validity can now be configured by aircraft, therefore a slight layout modification was made on the user detail page. The internal checkflight date, that has been set for the user, will be migrated to each linked aircraft after the update.

  • If new users use the "set initial password"-link twice, an error message will now prevent a secondary password setting

  • Fixed a bug with a wrong link in the e-mail that new users would receive

Settings Maintenance

  • A separate tab for maintenance related configurations has been introduced

  • For the maintenance forecast feature it is also possible to set the observation period (default is 60 days). There is a predefined list of values that can be selected by the administrators. This value will be used to determine the maintenance related information for users and administrators

  • Administrators can decide whether to show the maintenance forecast information to normal users or not via the settings area

Settings Calendar

  • The additional calendar field to add the estimated flight time for the reservation can be made mandatory or optional.

Settings Invoicing

  • It is now possible to configure whether users shall be able to mark invoices as paid or not. By default this option is activated (as before the updated). If deactivated, only administrators can mark invoices as paid via the invoice details or invoices list page

Settings Ratingchecks

  • Administrators can now define a value in days, before a warning about the expiration of warnings for pilot ratings appears in dashboard and calendar (Default value is 42 days, 6 weeks)

Settings Refunds

  • Fixed: in some cases a leading empty space prevent correct entering of values


Version 1.1.1 Updated on 2021-07-24



  • To prevent page expired warning upon multiple clicks on the login button, the form has now been improved and handles that better.

  • File links (NOTAM and aircraft info pages) now show the filename a bit longer and include the filetype (last three characters), if file name is too long

  • Dashboard METAR / TAF widget is now faster due to enhanced API query to the external interface

  • Fixed an issue with the password reset functionality, where it would not accept certain special characters.

  • Fixed an issue occuring on iOS devices (iPhone, iOS) where a double click on menu entries in the main navigation menu had to be done.

  • Performance improvements for logbook and payment runs / invoices especially with high number of entries, the system performs better now

  • Many little bugfixes in the application

Invoice module

  • Updated salutation, which is now completely configurable, including two new placeholders for first and lastname of the recipient. Various customized salutations are now possible (e.g. formal or non formal etc.)

  • Invoice items (flights and custom invoice items) are now sortable via manual drag & drop action, allowing a custom sort order and for example have a custom invoice item directly below the flight in the table.

  • Added a link from the invoice to the logbook entry to directly start editing the entry, if changes are necessary

  • The payee of a flight is now considered: if two pilots are assigned to a flight, the payee field will be used for the invoice creation.

  • The customer number if used, see below is also shown in the invoice in the right section with the invoice information

  • Footer section is now a bit bigger, allowing now 5 lines and thus more text to be entered or to allow longer address information

  • For custom invoice items (debit & credit) a manual date can now be entered

  • For invoices it can now be decided if the account logo, no logo at all or a specific invoice logo should be shown. This can be configured in the account section additionally.

  • It is now possible to add additional text in the top right corner of the invoice, allowing to either add text below the logo additionally or even instead. This can be configured via the account section individually.

  • Additional placeholders for invoice allow bigger text and also bold text to be used in introduction, outro text, external comment and logo text (top right area of PDF)

  • Several enhancements on the generated invoice PDF were implementend allowing a more stable layout for various types of text and logo types. The page indicator was moved to the lower part and fold marks are now shown in light grey color to allow easier folding of the paper invoice when printing.

  • Also administrators can now mark an invoice as paid either via the invoice details page or the invoice list page.

  • Each payment run is now limited to 70 invoices in order to not decrease performance and risk a potential loss of e-mails caused by server restrictions


  • Reservation request feature implemented: If activated, the administrator can decide by aircraft, wheter regular users (non admins and non power users) can directly reserve the aircraft or if just a reservation request is created. Reservation requests are shown in slightly transparent aircraft calendar color. Administrators and power users (it can be configured, who receives a mail notification) can then either via a separate menu or directly in the calendar approve or decline reservation requests. In both cases the owner of the request is informed via mail about the outcome. Only if a reservation request is accepted, it is transformed into a full reservation, otherwise the slot is freed for others.

  • A second pilot can now be added to the reservation, either as an existing user or name-only. This could be useful to add the flight instructor as the second pilot. Both pilots (first and second) will see the reservation as their own. Reservations will also be included in the internet calender (iCal) link for "my reservations only" for both pilots.

  • The business hours that are configured by the admin will be shown in the calendar: outside of these hours the cells will be shaded in grey color. Default value is 0-24h

  • The display of events, especially in tablet-sized screen resolutions, has been enhanced to have more consistent view and show relevant information better.

  • When opening details for a reservations, the telephone & mobile link is now also shown as links, allowing direct dialing on your mobile devices

  • Colored reservations: Each aircraft can now be assigned with a particular color, which is then used to color the reservations in the calendar.

  • A default calendar view (week, month, list week or year) can now be selected by the user via the profile settings.

  • If only one aircraft is configured, the calendar will automatically filter for the one configured aircraft, no further aircraft selection is then required.

  • Fixed an issue which would not allow a text entry in "remarks to reservation" under certain situations.

  • Fixed an issue with time consistency check when changing hours for reservations on different days (from and until)

  • Renamed "Bookings" to "Reservations" in the menu to stay consistent with the rest of the application


  • If only one aircraft is configured, the logbook will automatically open for the one configured aircraft, no further aircraft selection is then required.

  • A second pilot can now be added to the flight entry. This could be useful for adding a flight instructor to the flight as the PIC but the student as the second pilot. If the invoicing module is activated, also the payee can be selected (either the PIC or the second pilot).

  • The flight entries can now be filtered with a textbox for searching text and via a date range filter.

Member information

  • The mobile and telephone numbers are now presented as links, to allow direct dialing on your mobile devices

Aircraft information

  • If a particular color is configured for the aircraft, all tables in the aircraft info page are now highlighted in this color

  • If reservation request feature is activated and enabled for the particular aircraft, a badge is shown on top of the information page

Administration Users

  • Users can now also be assigned with a customer number, mostly used for invoicing and other bookkeeping. The customer number is also importable and used on the invoices.

  • Fixed an issue with the user importer, not allowing to import under certain circumstances and only allowing one user to be created at a time.

  • For each administrator and power user it can now be configured, whether they will individually receive an e-mail notification, if a reservation request is entered.

Administration Aircraft

  • Aircraft can now be configured with a particular calendar color, which is used to depict the reservations in the calendar, if set otherwise default colors apply.

  • If the reservation request feature is activated, the configuration item is also available for each aircraft in the aircraft details page.

System configuration & settings

  • The settings for rating-checks, invoice and refund settings have been moved from the "account" page to the "settings" page. The handling is the same, it is just in a different place. The "account" page now holds only the account information as well as the invoice module subscription (e.g. managing subscriptions etc.)

  • Administrators can now configure business hours for their group. These business hours currently only influence the color presentation in the reservation calendar in week view. Business hours are presented in white, non-business hours are shaded in grey color in the reservation calendar. Standard configuration after upgrade to 1.1.1 is 00:00 24:00. They can be changed in the settings.

  • In the settings page, the reservation request feature can now be activated (see tab "calendar settings") globally. After that, the configuration item is also available for each aircraft in the aircraft details configuration pages.


Version 1.1.0 Updated on 2021-05-20


Invoicing module

  • Implementation of the invoicing functionality: Generation of electronic invoices based on the digital logbook, credit management (custom credits or "negative invoices"), pilot specific aircraft prices, fuel and other cost consideration, PDF generation & sending via e-mail

  • Subscription can be done by administrators via the application directly

  • More details are available for the administrator in the particular chapters of the online help and on our website


  • Bugfix when having multi-day events, where in the update mask the date was not preselected correctly

  • Calendar now has a list view, showing all events in the next upcoming 365 days.

  • List views have been enhanced, so that the scheduled event immediately shows the comment if entered directly in the list.

Digital Logbook

  • Entering of logbook entries WITHOUT an existing pilot/user is now possible. Logbook entries can be connected with a simple pilot name now. Use cases could be checkflights or flight students, that don't yet get access to the reservations. This is of course also used for invoicing flights. See help for more information.

  • Fuel to be entered is now split up into a separate section and only lists valid fuel types (configurable for the aircarft)

  • Changing the pilot of a logbook entry is now possible

General functionality

  • Member list table has been enhanced with filter and sorting functionality. Pagination is now also instant without page reload.

  • Fixed an issue with image or photo uploads from mobile devices, where the image would be rotated

  • Several bugfixes, translation corrections and layout optimizations throughout the application.

Administration Aircraft

  • The allowed fueltypes are configurable for each aircraft. They will be listed in the logbook and aircraft info section.
  • Bugfix for some special cases, that made it impossible to update the initial flight time, hobbs or total time in service values.

Administration Users

  • Users can now be labeled via text labels. These label are usable in various functionality (filtering, marking, logbook export, invoicing etc.)

  • Table has been enhanced with filter and sorting functionality. Pagination is now also instant without page reload.


  • Several adaptations, corrections, translation corrections for the online-help, both in German and English version.

  • Documentation has been reorganized. The administration-help is now excluded in separate chapter. It can only be viewed by administrators and selected on the top right section in the online help.


Version 1.0.1 Updated on 2021-01-14


Digital Logbook

  • Total values for the current flight to be entered and updated are shown now next to the values

  • Total new values for the logbook are shown in the bottom of the add-mask to allow direct comparison with the paper logbook

  • Several layout enhancements: Size of add and update mask are now bigger

  • Bugfixes when adding or updating logbook entries

User import

  • It is now possible to not inform users automatically and send them the password link after the import a checkbox has been added to the import mask

General functionality

  • Several bugfixes, translation corrections and layout optimizations throught the application.


Version 1.0.0 Updated on 2020-12-29


  • Release of apron:pilot

  • Several small bugfixes implemented from during testing phase


 Version 0.9.4 Updated on 2020-12-16


Administration of users User import

  • A user import functionality has been added that allows users via an .xls or .xlsx file to do a bulk user creation. By uploading a prepared import file (e.g. by exporting and transforming from another tool) apron:pilot can automatically import these data and fully automatically create users, including sending of necessary notifications to the new users. More information is available in the online help, including a template file that can be used for creating the import file.

Graphical User Interface

  • The options to assign or unassign all pilots to an aircraft are now included in a dropdown menu on the administration user page. This is necessary to have the assign, unassign and import user buttons available but out of sight on small resolutions, such as mobile devices. The same goes for the administration aircraft page, also there a dropdown menu was implemented.

Digital Logbook

  • When adding a logbook entry the departure field is automatically prefilled with the last destination of the aircraft. This ensures more consistency for logbook entries. Administrators and power users can override this by editing the field freely.


  • Improved time validation: start and end time are now validated in the mask directly. If the start time is past the selected end time, the times will be adjusted accordingly. This allows for earlier feedback to the user for incorrect date selections.

  • Preselection added: When using the "Make a reservation"-button an empty form was presented before. The date and time is now preselected based on the current time of the calendar (time zone setting based) and preselected, to make entries quicker.

  • Bugfix: the calendar adding and updating mask now shows the pilots in alphabetical order by lastname. Same was implemented for the logbook create window.

Newsletter Subscription

  • Each user can now decide in the profile, whether to receive newsletters from apron:pilot or not. The same goes for the administrator of the group. In the account view administrators can now subscribe to the apron:pilot newsletter or not. By default all new registered groups are subscribed to the newsletter via the office e-mail. To unsubscribe either click the mail or deselect it in the account settings. Users are not automatically subscribed to the apron:pilot newsletters upon creation, but they can also opt to receive it by activating it in their profile page.

Version 0.9.3 Updated on 2020-12-05

This version was made available as the last major testing phase updated, including the German translation of the software.

General functionality

  • German language for the whole application added (graphical user interface, online help, all pages, e-mail communication and error messages) and therefore support for German speaking pilots now available

  • Default language added to user profile: users can now selected, whether they want to have English or German as the default language after login and for all e-mails sent to them

  • Data privacy page adopted and further information on cookies added. A link is also now shown on the login page and in the online help, to make it more accessible for all users

  • Several design optimization and changes (e.g. incl. login page, register page, graphical user interface, buttons, views etc.)

  • Fixed issues around the registration & verification process for new users and groups


  • External dependencies, that were required for several functions (e.g. jQuery) were now included into the application, which reduces loading times and avoids errors due to non available third-party links to external resources

Version 0.9.2 Updated on 2020-11-21


  • Fixed an issue with the lock-mechanism of aircraft. Locking an aircraft did not fully prevent a user to create or update a reservation or logbook entry under certain conditions. This has been corrected now.

User management

  • Fixed a misbehavior when deleting a user from the current account, so that user is still able to login for other accounts he/she is assigned to.


  • Fixed the display of row numbers in logbook it now shows the number of the entry in the first column, instead of the unique ID. This will further be enhanced to show the total amount of landings as well (will be configurable per aircraft: show line item or show accumulated amount of landings)

Version 0.9.1 Updated on 2020-11-10

This version was made available on November 11, during the test phase with first bugfixes based on findings.


  • Fixed an issue with the calendar, not showing reservations in case one user has hidden the contact details, but not all

Digital logbook

  • The logbook accepts now also three letter codes for departure and destination in order to also allow FAA location identifiers to be entered, e.g. VNC, HST, CLW, ...

  • The logbook comment is now restricted to 100 characters for further information, e.g. if a glider lands on none-ICAO fields or temporary landing sights

System & security

  • Fixed an issue where e-mail verification would time out after too short period of time. Now verification links are valid for 30 days. If this is due, the user can re-calculate and re-send a verification link via the "forgot password" function

  • Fixed an associated issue preventing the initial password set or password reset after the security token has expired. This was now increased to 14 days for newly created users. If the link is still expired the admin user can send a reset password link to the user manually or the user can request a new link via the "forgot password" form.

  • Fixed an issue with user creation/deletion, which would cause problems if users are merged into the account. Each login is now checked for deleted users and potential issues with the account. If found, they are corrected.

  • Login is now also possible via the e-mail address, so users can chose between login with username or e-mail. This led to problems when users reset the password and saved it to the browser. The browser would always preselect the username field with e-mail therefore this caused confusion.

Version 0.9.0 Updated on 2020-11-01

This version was released with November 2020 for the testing period.

Base version including the standard modules calendar, member management, account management, single-user functionality, digital logbook etc.


  • Management for reservations (adding, updating, deleting)
  • Power users and administrators can manage reservations for other users
  • User-rating check if activated (e.g. if SEP rating is due, a warning message appears)
  • Waiting list feature (users can subscribe to the waitinglist and will be informed if the slot becomes available)
  • Export reservations to iCal and Google Calendar via the details

Digital logbook

  • Management of digital logbook entries (adding, updating, deleting)
  • Power users and administrators can manage entries for other users
  • Hobbs and Total time in service supported
  • Optional information can added to flights (e.g. oil, fuel added, maintenance state of aircraft, etc.)

Basic aircraft management

  • Aircraft management (adding, updating, deleting) of Aircraft
  • Maintenance basic data can be entered and shown in the system (e.g. next scheduled maintenance, hours remaining, etc.)
  • If maintenance is due, users get a warning message
  • Aircraft status OK, in maintenance and locked allowing different states for aircraft
  • Hour log shown in the aircraft detail pages

Basic pilot management

  • User management (adding, updating, deleting) for pilots
  • Personal details (except name and e-mail) are optional and each user can enter them or not
  • Member list available to all pilots for communication channels
  • Details only available to administrators, if entered

Rating Checks for pilots

  • Each administrator can decide whether the system should check for valid internal check flight, medical validity or several class ratings (SEP, MEP, etc.). If that is active the system will remind the pilot about the validity. Reservations are prevented if the internal checkflight is not valid.
  • Administrators can change the dates of the ratings, allowing a four-eyes check on the documents (upload and entering of validities will be possible for pilots in a future version)

General functionality

  • Focus on responsive design: the system is optimized for mobile devices, smartphones, tablets
  • Browser independend functions, working on most modern browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge
  • Secure login, password management and session handling by the development framework (modern framework, latest version)
  • Caching functionality allowing higher loading speeds due to precompiled pages and information

Single Login principle

  • Users get one user login per e-mail address and can be assigned to multiple accounts
  • Example: Flight School A issues an account for Pilot Richard Smith. Flight Club XYZ also creates a user for Richard Smith with his e-mail address, but the system recognizes the account and suggests to merge the users to both accounts. Richard Smith would only have one username and login, but can easily switch between accouts via the sidebar (check the online help for more information on the Single-Login Principle)


  • Database entries holding personal information (e.g. names, address or e-mail information) is stored securely and encrypted in the Database
  • Backup process running each day over night ensures minimum data loss in case of desaster
  • Pilots can decide themselves if they want to hide or show personal contact information to others (e-mail, telephone) if allowed by the administrator

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