
Current server issues & unavailibility of apron:pilot


Update July 14:
In the last days we monitored the stability and availibilty of the system very closely. We have confirmation, that the original culprits were tackled and counter measures are in place. The server stability should be back to normal.


Since Tuesday, July 6th, we are experiencing issues with the availibility of apron:pilot. This is caused by external attacks happening against our webhosting provider, that also harms the servers where apron:pilot is hosting the application & website.

The hosting provider is still working on sustainable counter measures and trying to increase the stability of the servers, however this is still an ongoing process.

We are in direct contact with their support team and are kept up to date on the progress and the works being done.

Also we are evaluating switching the hosting provider as a potential alternative solution, if the situation isn't improving in the next few days.

We will try to keep you updated as good as possible, via Facebook and Twitter - please make sure to follow us there!


I want to apologize to all of you for inconveniences & non-availibility of apron:pilot in the last days. I hope that you don't & didn't face too many limitations due to the current situation with your flights and flight planning. I can assure you that I am doing my best to find a sustainable and fast solution for increasing the availibility of apron:pilot for the future!


Business photo created by chevanon -